today is 31st december nd today is my birthday..
i don wanna grow up.. i'm a toisaros kid.. im getting old.. finished tadika.. i entered T.B.S-tunku besar school, t4mpin.. finished UPSR.. i entered ssp kL.. finished SPM, i entered UM.. finished bachelor degree in electrical engineering, i went working at telco-company, d4mansara perdana,PJ.. unfinished workload.. i went to uni of surr3y,UK.. and im stuck.. microwave engineering n wireless subsystems design.. ok.. don laugh! guek pon tatau asal guek amek course ni.. aiyohhh~ niway.. thousands thanx to my own universe..
1:11.45pm-malaysia:bapak bapak ku.. my father is the 1st person wishing.. [so does mom.. tapi ayah je yg becakap kat tepon.. talarat nak tunggu kol 12.. dia nak tido dah tuh]..
2:11.57pm&12.04am-malaysia:boiprenku yance.. thanx emmuahh
3:12.08am-malaysia:besprenku ejahat.. thanx emmuahh jugak:d
4:12.38am-malaysia:ex-bf sue:kolleh.. thanx.. takble emuah..
5:0745am-malaysia=11.45pm-UK:imah.. thanx.. emuahhh [imah malas nak tunggu sampai kol12 sbb die dah nantok..ceit:p]
6:12.15am-UK:ida-bristol.. thanx.. emmuahh
7:12.45am-UK:owwe, lond n pidah.. thanx.. emmuahh [misej masok skali ngan call]
8:12.46am-UK:sue.. thanx.. emmuahh
9:12.47am-UK:laily.. thanx.. emmuahh
10:1.25am-UK:nana.. thanx.. emmuahh
hsbc, kaklong, ana, abe, shake, jija, bum, peachy, minyat.. [hnm.. eni leftovers? sori if mistaken]
last year's was at starbucks klcc with eja n oa.. cheesecake:(
las-last year's was at secret recipe midvalley with vistas.. stroberi on the sotkek..:(
las-las-last year's was at chicken hutz midvalley with close-frens [transferred to the mall dah this shop]:(.. chocs cake
las-las-las-last year's dah tak engat ahhh:(
wateva it is.. this year is the damnest:( wishes came from far.. no more hugs n kisses.. :((.. thing is.. i wanna be close to my closest family.. closest frens.. closest love at this moment.. and its pathetic.. out of reach~
this year's: spending own sweet-time in front of this wireless keneksen while answering those phone-calls & SMSs..
and my nu-yer resolutions are:
1.gonna finish this postgrad-study as soon as i can and be back in malaysia sooner:( less.. hnm..:> hafta-haftaa
3.europe-tour.. [onli if i manage to stop my shopaholic-habit and do tight-saving]
4.tido awal banon awal tiap hari!~
5.consistent.. tamo dah study last minute.. nanak jadik rajin.. ewahh.. [mcm takkan.. tapi.. letak jugak]
6.last year's resolution.. hnmm.. i'll see about it.. [imah paling akan benci dgr tang azam yg nih:D].. yakin boleh!~
7.err.. err.. nak kuroskan badan:">... mcm tak bole je:(.. tapi.. nak jugak masok dlm list :-" [walopon takkan bejaye nyer:D]
[kredo to those bespren's blog for entrying posting of my betdey.. thanx :* :* Muahhmmuahh]
[read: sue's & imah's blog on the same date as mine]
mood of the moment:mari melepak lepak
song of the moment: keane-everybodys changing
i wanna be:supermodel
Friday, December 31, 2004
**gwek butoh lho**
tekejot + trajis + mcm tak pecaye + yaAllahhhh selamatkan lah kuarge guek amin yarabbal alamin... nih yg paling menyayat hati ni:
Pilu tidak terperi lihat lima anak ditelan ombak
BALIK PULAU 27 Dis. - Sukar untuk digambarkan kepiluan sepasang suami isteri kehilangan lima orang anak dalam sekelip mata di depan mereka tanpa dapat berbuat apa-apa akibat dipukul dan dihanyutkan ombak besar ketika berkelah di Pantai Pasir Panjang, di sini semalam.
Walaupun pasangan itu cuba menyelamatkan anak mereka tetapi ombak besar secara tiba-tiba itu menyebabkan mereka hanya mampu melihat kelima-limanya hilang dibawa arus.
Lebih menyayat hati, kejadian yang berlaku kira-kira pukul 1 tengah hari itu, turut mengorbankan anak saudara pasangan Zulkifli Mohd. Noor, 42 dan Jamilah Majid, 39.
``Saya dah tak tahu nak buat apa. Saya hanya sempat menyelamatkan ibu, isteri dan anak bongsu yang berada berhampiran. Saya mahu pegang (selamatkan anak) yang kanan terlepas, nak pegang yang kiri tak dapat. Semua terlepas,'' kata Zulkifli sayu.
Pilu tidak terperi lihat lima anak ditelan ombak
BALIK PULAU 27 Dis. - Sukar untuk digambarkan kepiluan sepasang suami isteri kehilangan lima orang anak dalam sekelip mata di depan mereka tanpa dapat berbuat apa-apa akibat dipukul dan dihanyutkan ombak besar ketika berkelah di Pantai Pasir Panjang, di sini semalam.
Walaupun pasangan itu cuba menyelamatkan anak mereka tetapi ombak besar secara tiba-tiba itu menyebabkan mereka hanya mampu melihat kelima-limanya hilang dibawa arus.
Lebih menyayat hati, kejadian yang berlaku kira-kira pukul 1 tengah hari itu, turut mengorbankan anak saudara pasangan Zulkifli Mohd. Noor, 42 dan Jamilah Majid, 39.
``Saya dah tak tahu nak buat apa. Saya hanya sempat menyelamatkan ibu, isteri dan anak bongsu yang berada berhampiran. Saya mahu pegang (selamatkan anak) yang kanan terlepas, nak pegang yang kiri tak dapat. Semua terlepas,'' kata Zulkifli sayu.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
**the neverending story** [spain trip]
this is gonna be hell longgg~ ok..where to start.. adoi.. byk sgt nak ckp sampai dah tatau nak tulis ape.. this is for sure for the spain-tour we went last 19th-24th december 2004..
we were succeeded.. thats for sure.. memule cuak sgt gelabah.. adekah akan berjayekah?? but then.. we managed.. dgn pembahagian tugasan yg sgt jitu lagi persis.. lalu.. alhamdulillah.. selamat pergi.. selamat kembali juwe..
donde estan lho aseos?? ahaa.. sodah tere spekang spain kalu?
no komprendo.. gracias.. wahwah.. haa.. jen tatau..
harosla org2 spain tatahu english lansong dan kami haros menjadik saparti itik bercakap dgn ayam kannn...
imah::ketua tekkatan merangkap mak nenet yg suke membebel.. juwe perancang kehamilan.. ops.. perancang spain-tour ni.. merangkap juwe tour-guide tukang dgr audio-museum.. patu.. cerite kat kitorg apekah sejarahnye.. [yg mane kitorg tak dgr pon..bebuat jee dgr..lalala]
owwe::penolong ketua tekkatan.. merangkap jurubahase cum PR.. tiap kali nak tanye org spain yg bodoh english.. owwe will have to open her pocket-spain-language-for-dummies.. merangkap juwe makcik bengkeng yg suke menjerit.. dan di akhir trip mempunyai kewangan yg -ve sbb terjumpe ZARA&MNG.. [terpakse berhutang dgn makcik leli&aisyah]
saye::secretary merangkap ajk-masa [imah soh tulis:ajk-lelap yg tak menjalankan tugas sbb tetiap hari kene muhasabah diri tapi takde improvement.. tiap2 hari banon paling lambat n siap paling lambat.. ;))]
juwe merangkap ajk heboran yg suke menyanyi2 lirik yg salah belake.
laily::bendahari yang suke tau mintak2 duik.. tapi bagos bendahari ni.. cekap dalam kerjaye kiremengire.. juwe merangkap pembantu ajk heboran menghidopkan suasane dgn menyanyi2 juwe.. tapi lirik agak benar selalu..
husna::ajk dokumentasi.. yakni.. tukang simpan tiket/kunci segale makneka mende penting yg org2 clumsy tak perlule masok campor.. merangkap juwe ajk kebersihan[dia lantik diri sendiri]
aisyah::ajk makanan/minoman yg sgt peka masalah keboloran sejagat.. dan juwe sgt rajin menyediakan bekfes hoyehhh...
18th-december-2004-still london: =1000am:: wake-up.. duhh.. today is the day..
=1030am:: wak [from old trafford-manchester is staying here in my room las nite]..
so.. hafta send her back to train station.
and then go american-express changing some pounds into euros..
=12 noon:: balik bilik kemas2 longgok2 baju..
=0130pm:: doing londri n drying.. packing.. sunggoh sangat kengkabot sesgt.. time's too short..
=0445pm:: yahh.. taking train to london.. akan melepak rumah owwe tonite.. for the bas to luton-airport tomorrow is at 430am goshhh~..
=0600pm:: reached london-waterloo.. heading edgware road-owwe's place..
=0700pm:: reached owwe's home sweet home..
best.. hosmet owwe masak nasi lauk ayam sodap n terung guringan cili.. kenyang..
then, me chatting with yance..
owwe&imah packing things..
laily,husna&aisyah sebok begosip at livings rum..
=12midnite:: sleeptite..
=0300am:: banonnn!!! hehuuu sejuttttttt... mandi bekfes lalu maimai-maimai ke st bas..
tungu bas express ke luton-airport kat marble arch..
=0400am::ketua tekkatan dan penolong confuse tatau nak tungu bas ke luton tuh katne..
lalu kami membahagi diri.. sekor kat stesen bas sanun.. sekor sinin..
lalu.. apebile bas dtg.. belari2 anak mengejar bas ituh sehingge malu dgn hebbattnye..ahahahahhaha kelaka sgt time ni...
=0430am::naik bas ke luton-airport.. alhamdulillah.. sempat naik bas.
=0530am::sampai airport lalu memasing memeriahkan suasana toilet ["perempuan"]..
dan kemudiannye menjadik lapar lalu makan beskot raye eja kasi kat imah
=0630am::check in..
=0700am::flying to barcelona by huihuii:">
19th december2004-barcelona:
[waktu euro is 1hour leading.. so.. uk's 9am=euro's 10am]
[starting here im gonna use euro's time] =1030am::selamat mendarat di airport barcelona,spain.. huihui sekali lagi..
agak sesat memule nak mencarik tpt penginapan yg telah dibook melalui internet..
dgn org2 sekelilingnye yg tak membantu..
=12noon::selamat menjunpe arco youth hostel ituh..
lalu check in dan nahhh.. hombankan segale bagasi burok dan makan serbe skek..
dan.. chalow bebeh.. start meronda barcelona yayy..
[left pic:depan arco youth hostel:husna,aisyah,owwe,me,leli]
we were succeeded.. thats for sure.. memule cuak sgt gelabah.. adekah akan berjayekah?? but then.. we managed.. dgn pembahagian tugasan yg sgt jitu lagi persis.. lalu.. alhamdulillah.. selamat pergi.. selamat kembali juwe..
donde estan lho aseos?? ahaa.. sodah tere spekang spain kalu?
no komprendo.. gracias.. wahwah.. haa.. jen tatau..
harosla org2 spain tatahu english lansong dan kami haros menjadik saparti itik bercakap dgn ayam kannn...
imah::ketua tekkatan merangkap mak nenet yg suke membebel.. juwe perancang kehamilan.. ops.. perancang spain-tour ni.. merangkap juwe tour-guide tukang dgr audio-museum.. patu.. cerite kat kitorg apekah sejarahnye.. [yg mane kitorg tak dgr pon..bebuat jee dgr..lalala]
owwe::penolong ketua tekkatan.. merangkap jurubahase cum PR.. tiap kali nak tanye org spain yg bodoh english.. owwe will have to open her pocket-spain-language-for-dummies.. merangkap juwe makcik bengkeng yg suke menjerit.. dan di akhir trip mempunyai kewangan yg -ve sbb terjumpe ZARA&MNG.. [terpakse berhutang dgn makcik leli&aisyah]
saye::secretary merangkap ajk-masa [imah soh tulis:ajk-lelap yg tak menjalankan tugas sbb tetiap hari kene muhasabah diri tapi takde improvement.. tiap2 hari banon paling lambat n siap paling lambat.. ;))]
juwe merangkap ajk heboran yg suke menyanyi2 lirik yg salah belake.
laily::bendahari yang suke tau mintak2 duik.. tapi bagos bendahari ni.. cekap dalam kerjaye kiremengire.. juwe merangkap pembantu ajk heboran menghidopkan suasane dgn menyanyi2 juwe.. tapi lirik agak benar selalu..
husna::ajk dokumentasi.. yakni.. tukang simpan tiket/kunci segale makneka mende penting yg org2 clumsy tak perlule masok campor.. merangkap juwe ajk kebersihan[dia lantik diri sendiri]
aisyah::ajk makanan/minoman yg sgt peka masalah keboloran sejagat.. dan juwe sgt rajin menyediakan bekfes hoyehhh...
18th-december-2004-still london: =1000am:: wake-up.. duhh.. today is the day..
=1030am:: wak [from old trafford-manchester is staying here in my room las nite]..
so.. hafta send her back to train station.
and then go american-express changing some pounds into euros..
=12 noon:: balik bilik kemas2 longgok2 baju..
=0130pm:: doing londri n drying.. packing.. sunggoh sangat kengkabot sesgt.. time's too short..
=0445pm:: yahh.. taking train to london.. akan melepak rumah owwe tonite.. for the bas to luton-airport tomorrow is at 430am goshhh~..
=0600pm:: reached london-waterloo.. heading edgware road-owwe's place..
=0700pm:: reached owwe's home sweet home..
best.. hosmet owwe masak nasi lauk ayam sodap n terung guringan cili.. kenyang..
then, me chatting with yance..
owwe&imah packing things..
laily,husna&aisyah sebok begosip at livings rum..
=12midnite:: sleeptite..
=0300am:: banonnn!!! hehuuu sejuttttttt... mandi bekfes lalu maimai-maimai ke st bas..
tungu bas express ke luton-airport kat marble arch..
=0400am::ketua tekkatan dan penolong confuse tatau nak tungu bas ke luton tuh katne..
lalu kami membahagi diri.. sekor kat stesen bas sanun.. sekor sinin..
lalu.. apebile bas dtg.. belari2 anak mengejar bas ituh sehingge malu dgn hebbattnye..ahahahahhaha kelaka sgt time ni...
=0430am::naik bas ke luton-airport.. alhamdulillah.. sempat naik bas.
=0530am::sampai airport lalu memasing memeriahkan suasana toilet ["perempuan"]..
dan kemudiannye menjadik lapar lalu makan beskot raye eja kasi kat imah
=0630am::check in..
=0700am::flying to barcelona by huihuii:">
19th december2004-barcelona:
[waktu euro is 1hour leading.. so.. uk's 9am=euro's 10am]
[starting here im gonna use euro's time] =1030am::selamat mendarat di airport barcelona,spain.. huihui sekali lagi..
agak sesat memule nak mencarik tpt penginapan yg telah dibook melalui internet..
dgn org2 sekelilingnye yg tak membantu..
=12noon::selamat menjunpe arco youth hostel ituh..
lalu check in dan nahhh.. hombankan segale bagasi burok dan makan serbe skek..
dan.. chalow bebeh.. start meronda barcelona yayy..
[left pic:depan arco youth hostel:husna,aisyah,owwe,me,leli]
[right pic:makan budokk secare pelahap especially imahan.. nampak besunggoh tak?]


memule cecarik tren-st
[barcelona's tren system samtin like tube-system in london.. so.. quite senang nak folo the flow.. ikotkan sahaje map yg disediakan.. guida de metro]..
[l-r: aisyah, owwe-beriyetenokmap,imahan, husna-berpura2 tenok map, guek-tak bepure2 nak amek gamba:-"]

we live in las rambla.. so.. we start fresh with visiting the unfinished cathederal at sagrada familia.. the catederal was so big.. adoi sgt tinggi juwe sehingge susahnye nak amek gamba.. nanti guek uplod kat fotopages.


=0215pm::ke sants estacio carik tix-tren to cordova utk esoknyeh..
trajisnye.. the counter-girl/guy cant speak english at all
and owwe-the-pr haroslah dlm 5-6 kali olang-alik amek number n pegi kaunter for every-other-questions each time appearing at the counter
& i think the kaunter girl/guy is sick of our face.. heyy yuh again? no komprendo no komprendo.. itu je laa aseknye jawab..
[wakarimasennnn~tak pahammmmm]..
trajisnye.. tix to cordova utk yg memurah segalenye abis dijual..
yg tinggal hanyelah tix2 1st class dimane kami haros kuar 70.50euro each for that damn-first-class-bed-seating-train-tix.. pfuf..
but then.. halaa.. dah desperet sgt.. amek je la..
[~overbudget disitu lalu menjadik mesken..]..
maybe bekos of lack of communication skill ke kot tuh yg sukarrr mendapat tix yg memurah..
hnm.. no komprendo.. gracias! [tere sial owwe spekang spain!blasahhh!!]
[and the picture of us deciding about the overbudget-tix-price.. ahh.. blasahhh..
[and the picture of us deciding about the overbudget-tix-price.. ahh.. blasahhh..
owwe tenah menulis2&mentrenslet kebahase spain mende2 nak tanye lagi..
leli tenah kekire duik..
husna tenah cekcek ehh ade duik lagi ke ni..
imah tenah skodeng owwe menulis..
guek.. tenah tenok camera.. ahahaa silap besaaa aaa nak candid guek.. sense of camera is strong]

=0305pm::bejaye beli tix lalu terus mara ke destinasi setrosnyeh..
[sejam siot kitorg dok mentrenslet2 spain.. menanye2 itu ini begitu begini... fuufuuu sukarrr]..
=0310pm::gi espanya dimane terletaknye sebijik muzeu nacional d'Art de catalunya..
memule amek2 gamba dgn sejenis air air2 pancot placa de espanya..
patu dgn ade sejenis coloseum yg unfinish
dan naik bukit ke museum and way up the museum is hell bertingkat2 tangge tapi ade escalator hehihi..
sesampai atas.. saparti base.. amek2 gamba sane-sinun..
ade yg terpegon kejakonan..
ade yg terdodok keletihan..
ade yg dan-dan amek gamba scenery the whole barcelona from top-view
[agak top view jugak sbb museum nih dok atas bokit yg tinggi]..
mcm2 pangaii..
tapi paling taktahan kitorg kene tunggu imah yg spooky selame sejam hanye utk memilih barang 2-3keping poskad.. keji giler imahan ituh..:p..
lalu selepas ituh kami murka terhadap imah.. lelame ingatkan bokpe.. x-(..
[pic:leli n me berlatarbakangkan barcelona the whole]

salapas ituh kami ke stedium olimpik ituh.. olimpik kan kat barcelona.. sile ingat!
lalu amek gambaaa lagi yayayyy.. dn obor2 ituh yg sgt besar roparopanyah..
juwe sunggoh indah suasane langit dimalam hari.. biru..
permata biru.. osah biarkan dirimu.. eh-eh jen melalot.. [eyp!marah diri senirik]
[pic:l-r: leli, me, imah, aisyah, husna.. bekgron:obor olimpik]

=0700pm::yang sodah gulup guluta..
maka seperti mane pesanan mereka2 yg penah ke barcelona..
"jgn tak makan seafood dia.. masyoookk"..
make.. kitorg telah bertongkos lomos mencarik2 kedai seafood yg dimaksodkan..
sampai bertanye kpd sepasang pak arab.. yg tak reti english juwe..
make haros try2 tanye dlm spain.. lalu gagal..
lalu dgn terenye kami telah spekang bahase arab ok!
[aisyah la yg agak reti.. campo tolak kitorg2 yg mmg "tere" arab kan pmr dpt 'D'istinction arab..].. dan.. make pahamlaa kami bahawesenye kedai seafood tak bukak..
[tetibe tingat forweded emel:sesape penah dpt emel tuh die paham la kot ayat ni:fuel sadokollahullazim =))-maksodnya:minyak dah abis=))]
dan.. karna kuciwa.. membawa diri di sebuah restoran mewah yg ade seafood ni..
bace2 menu kat board dia mcm bes mcm byk jeee sodap2..
malangnye.. ke'tere'an bahase sepanyol ituh telah disalahartikan.. ruperupenye kami telah tertipu dgn nafsu sendiri make melayanglah 20euro sa-orang untok makanan yg sgt tak seberape..huhu
bace2 menu kat board dia mcm bes mcm byk jeee sodap2..
malangnye.. ke'tere'an bahase sepanyol ituh telah disalahartikan.. ruperupenye kami telah tertipu dgn nafsu sendiri make melayanglah 20euro sa-orang untok makanan yg sgt tak seberape..huhu
[tapi odang+ikan die yg mahal ituh sgt sodap lagi fresh lagi emmuahhh..
tapi sejenis sayor pojaan org2 barcelona yg dinamekan:artichoke hearts ituh sgtlah yaallah tak lalu tekak ai]
tapi sejenis sayor pojaan org2 barcelona yg dinamekan:artichoke hearts ituh sgtlah yaallah tak lalu tekak ai]



=1000pm::polang tak pueh ati dgn pembaziran yg telah dijalani kerna kami bwk duik lg skek 300 euro sahaje..
sunggoh sodah ober-bajet lalu kami berdiskusi sebelom tido..
make.. dgn garangnye cikgu timah [ketua tekkatan] telah menyarankan pemotongan bajet utk subiniye..
lalu.. kami keciwa dan tetido termimpi2kan subiniye2 yg x dpt dibeli..
make.. org2 mesia.. harap maklom takde subiniye yeh dr spain..:-"lalalaa
=1100pm::semorang tido secare tak sedaa diri lansong except guek sbb guek dpt katil atas
dan guek sgt cuak dgn ketinggian ituh tah bape kali tejage asek bantal terjatoh :((
sobsobsob jeles nan semorg ble tido..
20th december 2004-barcelona lagi:
=0800am::ketua tekkatan membebel sbb alamak.. silap tenok jam UK..
europe sodah kol 8.. kami masih kol 7..
lalu.. cepat2 banon sbb bekfes abis pkol 9am.. make.. tayahla mandi ek:D.. sejuttt..
kamudian.. mari kita merayap lagi lalala..
europe sodah kol 8.. kami masih kol 7..
lalu.. cepat2 banon sbb bekfes abis pkol 9am.. make.. tayahla mandi ek:D.. sejuttt..
kamudian.. mari kita merayap lagi lalala..
=1000am::merayap2 di area2 las rambla-tpt kitorg menginap sbb sini mcm centre of tourism jugak.. byk sgt tpt2 besejarah.. especially cathederal..
satu tpt je guek engat name die plaza de la catalunya ek?
ade lagi.. aringuda de la cathederal.. hnm.. tak engat name tpt..
tapi agak byk la tpt2 tuh seme.. nanti uplod gamba yeh..
=1130am::polang ke penginapan karna kene cek-out kol 12..
lalu b4 cekout.. kami membelasah megi dgn jayanyer
dan ayat paling bes:"inila megi tersedap aku penah makan"..
tak engat sape tah ckp tuh tapi seriyes mcm lapar gile mcm sedap bangettt megi ayam tuh.. agagaga~
=12noon::to vallcarca..
ade sejenis bukit tinggi nih kami haros menyeret beg yg sarat besama..
huhh.. sebbaik way up disediakan escalator..
tapi.. jenoh jugak.. then kat puncak bukit tuh terdapat Park Gaul..
sejenis taman yg tah.. ade byk kaktus..
kitorg benti solat secare terusterang didalam taman samel makan beskot putih cadbury ituh...
dan ade mcm tugu yg ade cros di puncak bokit..
erm.. patu.. semorg jakon nak naik tugu tuh..
naiknaik.. nak amek gamba lalu tetibe seekor anjing yg banjingan dok amek gamba sebelah guek.. make.. tatahu pegang sapetah secare kuatnye dan bediri kaku kejang sbb sgt takot..
nak lari takot jatoh.. gayat gile sbb tinggi.. yaallah tatahu cemane nak ckp.. mmg cuak tahap kemenyan..
[pic:atas:lihatlah kami mengendong bagasi ugly, bawah:banjingan yg gilesess]


=0315pm::we took tren from vallcarca to palau reial..
here is the universitas de la barcelona..
tapi..instead of jenjalan kat those uni's facultat yg sgt besar.. kitorg gi carik museu de ceramica.. memule mmg tak jumpe becoz the museum is samtim hidden inside some sort of big-fench..
so.. dgn bertongkos lomos..
owwe gi tanye sorang pakcik tua ni.. tanye2 dlm spain..
patu org tua tuh eksplen2 dlm spain jugak.. [donde estan lho museu de ceramica?]..
punyela beriye owwe siap pusing2 badan nak tunjokkan arah yg pakcik tuh terangkan bile akhirnye imah ke sape tah tersebot "main entrance"
dan lalu pakcik nih ckp:"you speak english?"
lalu kitorg: yaAllahhh.. ko reti spekang english ke pakcik!!!...
fenatttt nak bercakap.. agagaga..
but then.. sejurus ituh kitorg tak gi stret ke museum tuh..
akan tatapi kami benti berehat di sebuah fench lalu makan roti nan serunding secare lahap yg keterlaluan..
abes sebuku roti kami lapon..
make.. ok.. sodah kenyang bolih pegi museum..
dan.. begambagamba lagi secare ghairahnye.. ade taman ape ek..
nantila guek tenok semule.. tak engat name tpt tuh..
salapas ituh jengjengjeng jen jeles yeh anak-anak..
kami mempergikan diri ke nou-camp lalala:-"..
stadium of barcelona..
maka.. lalala amek gamba denan ronaldinho ituh..
ouh.. sunggoh jelesnyeh kawan2kuh especially minyak sbb dia ckp die minat barcelona since Form3 [ntah ye ntah tak:p]..
lalu.. omigod.. jersy ronaldinho is 83euro..
beranganlaa nak beli kan!
dgn kewangan yg maseh meleset..
lalu.. beli subiniye2 kecil2an sahajos :(..
tapi takpe.. dah meninggalkan tapak kaki di nou camp ituh pon sodah cukop sehsuatuh :-" doinkdoinkdoink~
[pic:me n imah depan FCBotiga]

=0715pm::kami sodah mempergikan diri ke tren stesen untok menjempot tren yg damn-first-class-bed-seating-tix ituh..
agak lame lagi mase yg menanti..
lalu kami pon makan roti dan serunding lagi secare rakos juwe..
dan.. ops.. ternampak org hensem.. lalu.. ahhh takde maknenyeh
=1000pm::sodah bole check in ke dlm tren..
semorang cuak dgn seat memasing sbb kitorg cabot undi utk seat ituh sbb number dia mcm pelbagai..
ahaha.. rupe2 nye semorang sebilik..
except 2 ekor lalat yakni:leli n aisyah di cabin yg berbeda..
lalu.. owh.. sunggoh 1st clas siap ade wash-basin dlm setiap cabin..
mmg berbaloi sgt utk perjalanan yg hampir 8jam ituh..
kalo dok tpt yg kene tido samel dudok ituh mesti haros kreng tengkok [read:cramp]..
fuhh.. then.. tido tanpe sedar diri sbb dpt katil bawah yayy..
[pic:kat corridorrayamultimedia-tren]


21st december 2004-cordova puler:
=0700am::tiba secara maimai di tren st. cordova..
maka.. sesampai sahaja.. kami terus mencarik2 kaunter maklomat atau tourism centre ke apepeke utk sebarang pamplet ke map ke apepe..
then.. beli tix bas sesiap utk tonite's jurney ke granada pule..
kitorg dah book bilik kat granada for tonite's accomm.
then.. simpan bagasi ugly at the tren stesen's locker service..
satu locker ble muat seme bagasi burok..
kate bekpekers.. harosla jalan tanpe those bag kan.. annoying!
=0800am:: okaik.. mari kita..
start fresh dgn bejalan2 sekitar jalan2 yg mcm dlm tv cerite sepanyol tuh..
maria mercedes gitu.. imah la nih.. dgn begitu kagomnye
imah berkata:"wah che pah!! ko wase tak mcm tak pecaye je kite dah jalan mende2 yg dlm tv ni"
lalu leli menyahot:"apsal orang rase mcm orang jalan kat melaka je"
imah tersedak:"laily nih potong stimmmm aaaa"
berderaiii ketawa... [halaa kalo tade di tpt kejadian mmg susah nak paham lawak ni]
then we went to this plaza de la cardenal salazar.. took pixx.. then
=900am::due to our early tour.. bekesempatan masok santa iglesia catederal secare free sbb after 10am baru kene beli tix hehehh..
sgt bijak kami inih:-"..
this is actually a mosque but was taken over by christian..
so then became a cathederal..
dulu the first written quran was kept here..
tapi dah takde.. we found a rock-written quran inside.. sunggoh kagom..
inside a cathederal.. hnm..
tapi hari nih hari ahad.. org dah start masok catederal bunyik2 locing.. tingtongtingtong..
[pic: us in the catederal]

then samong jalan lagi sgt byk sgt tpt pergi hingge odah lopaa apeke namenye..
ade tpt al celebra ocalista dimana ade patong kepale ahlaa.. tak gelemer.. abaikan..
ade tpt al celebra ocalista dimana ade patong kepale ahlaa.. tak gelemer.. abaikan..
=1115am::ade org yg penah gi spain ckp kat cordova kene try hot-choc dia yg sodap..
maka.. kami menjalani jalan ke seberang sanun..
mencarik2 hot chocs yg dimaksodkan dan masoklah kedlm kodai inin yg ade barista hemsem lalu laily telah menorat dia.. huh#-o..
kehadiran kami yg kiuut2 ni dipandang2 org sekaliling tapi takpe..
kami wat2 kewl dgn menyaksikan aksi nyanyian soprano dikaca tv yg tak paham kejadah..
ade satu meja sebelah kitorg ni sekompolan 2-3makcik2 dan 2-3 pakcik2 tenah leka menghayati lagu2 soprano ituh sehingge kami heran.. ape sedap bangat??
tapi takpe tuh.. mase time nak membayar.. leli the bendahari yg gatal nak ngorat barista hemsem pergi kekonter..
dan mamat ituh berckp dlm spain dan leli blur disitu.. apekah??
teda cukopkah wang kami berikan?
penatla si leli ni menunjuk jemari 6 ketol
mamat ituh tolak balik duik ituh juwe.. apehall ko mamat??
setelah kami amat-amati kelakuan aneh mamat tuh.. barulah paham..
makcik2pakcik2 suke dgr soprano tadi telah membelanje kami hoyehhh!!~
dan mamat ituh berckp dlm spain dan leli blur disitu.. apekah??
teda cukopkah wang kami berikan?
penatla si leli ni menunjuk jemari 6 ketol
mamat ituh tolak balik duik ituh juwe.. apehall ko mamat??
setelah kami amat-amati kelakuan aneh mamat tuh.. barulah paham..
makcik2pakcik2 suke dgr soprano tadi telah membelanje kami hoyehhh!!~
terkesima jugaklaa tapi takpe.. rezeki jgn ditolak musoh jgn dicari..
sunggoh kami sgt terharu..
ape mongkin makcik ituh kesian melihat kami mengeluarkan syiling masing2 dari pastik-money-changer ituh?
[guek letak uwang euro dlm pestik money-changer tuh sbb kang bercampo2 dgn pounds&pences kalo letak dlm wallet:D]..
sunggoh kasihan gamaknye:d
sunggoh kami sgt terharu..
ape mongkin makcik ituh kesian melihat kami mengeluarkan syiling masing2 dari pastik-money-changer ituh?
[guek letak uwang euro dlm pestik money-changer tuh sbb kang bercampo2 dgn pounds&pences kalo letak dlm wallet:D]..
sunggoh kasihan gamaknye:d
[pix:l-r: me leli husna aisyah]

dan kami menoskan lagi perjalanan ituh..
=0100pm::benti makan roti n tuna ditenah panahan mentari sbb asek suke nak berjemor bwh sinaran ituh karna sejokkkkk bangatt..
kire dpt cahaye matahari mcm kasi warm skek kunun..
siap2 solat seme lalu menoskan lagi liku2 kehedopan.
ade kedai2 subiniye.. ade tpt2 besejarah..
heron y senega.. henry ibnu rusdi..
malas nak perah otak for those places' names..
=0400pm::melepak di stesen bas tungu bas utk ke granada puler..
samel makan lagi.. roti n serunding..
bekalan serunding kami haros mcm utk stok sebulan kan.. byk.. nyum2.. pelbagai rase..ade yg pedas.. ade yg manis.. ade yg gemersik.. ade yg ikan bilis.. memcm pangaii

=0430pm::in the bus heading granada yayy tempat paling cunh!~
=0715pm::sampai granada bus-station lalu memasing memerot di toilet.. [kate bekpekers].. kamodian sesiap beli bus-tix utk ke seville for the next state.
then.. start kompolkan maklumat.. map.. pamplet.. all those..
mane nak tungu bas mane nak turon bas mane nak pegi mane balik bas bape seng.. stuff..
mane nak tungu bas mane nak turon bas mane nak pegi mane balik bas bape seng.. stuff..
=0930pm::check in at hostel AB.. best!..
they provided an apartment fully equipted with tv in each rooms.. fuli-furnished..
kitchen with coffee n tea dlm botol with those pan-pot makneka brg..
waseng mesen pon ado.. 3 bilik-2katil each room.. selesa bangat..
[except ofkos those mentrenslet perbualan dgn tuan punye hostel yg sgt susahnyela nak paham].. aisyah the ajk makanan masak megi kari secare besar2an lalu nyum2 makan sehingge mati..
sodap bangat.. lepak2 tenok tv ade citer yg segale2nye dialih bahase ke spain..
[even citer english diorg alihbahasekan.. manelaa tak reti ckp english duhh]..
dan kami haros paham2 senirik tenok katun sinchan versi spain..
sebbaik sinchan itself lawak dogol.. paham2 la kot..
then.. setelah siap makan mandi lepak seme..
masok bilik memasing dan membutekan diri yayyy hebbatt!~
sebbaik sinchan itself lawak dogol.. paham2 la kot..
then.. setelah siap makan mandi lepak seme..
masok bilik memasing dan membutekan diri yayyy hebbatt!~
22nd december 2004-granada the greatest:
=0800am::banonn!!~ mandi..
aisyah-the-cook masak noodle instan.. makan budokk..
tak cukop ituh kami makan beskot imah yg spooky.. bersame nutella fuhh.. makan ajo kejenyeh..
=0945am::alhambra.. here we came..
alhambra is the most beautiful place in andalucia..
i shud say that as i truly agreed with my own statement..
rase tak cukop sehari jalan kat alhambra ni..
the place combined with generallife yg lawa jugak..
tapi nak naik tuh agak penat ahh..
dlm alhambra ade bykbyk places of interest..
mcm alhambra nih sebuah kota sejarah..
ade istana keislaman juwe ade istana kewesternan..
we have to pay 10euros each for entrance to all places.. tapi worth it..
especialy to those yg ske amek gamba.. byk sgt mende ble diamek gambakan..
antara those place are: palacios nazaries, patio de los leones, palacio de carlos V, palacio real, jardines del partal, banos arabes, alcazaba, el orattorio, patio del cuerto dorado, museo de bellas artes
ahh byk sgt bahhh..
from above the alcazaba ble tenok the whole granada dan nampak sebuah gunung salji alala alps ituh..







[haros ade kaber-elebem alala yg nih utk elbem sepanjang hayat kot.. byk gile wat gamba kaber elbem:)).. tapi.. nampak mcm imahan vocalist eh?? ahahaha l-r:me.husna.imah.aisyh.owwe]]
=0500pm::turon semule ke town granada untok menekmati kebab di kedai paki..
dan samong bejalan2 di town pulak.. visit cathederal n those historic places...

=0600pm::jalan2 ituh.. woups.. ternampak zara sale
[reminder:ZARA & MNG is originally from spain]..
so.. woups.. termasok dlm zara.. dan woups.. terbeli suar..
[imah dah start pening2 kelape so her desire to shop till i drop pupus secare sukerele make guek n owwe sahajos menjadik saiton]
[tak seda diri sudah oberbajet]
=0730pm::duhh.. penat belari2an di alhambra ituh maseh terase di bukulali.. achilles.. ehh..
b4 sampai apartment ituh kami singgah sebantar di supermercat
[supermarket diorg pepelik name nyeh]..
dan kami beli beras huiyo.. rindu makan nasik..
lalu malam ituh aisyah the ajak makanan masak nasi berlaukkan telor guringan dan serunding
dan rendang tok cap brahim yg sgt sodap huhuu terase sgt kenyang sgt lalu tetido kekenyangan...
23rd december 2004-seville:
=0515am::ajk masa yg takble diharap banon paling lambat ;)).. ahaha..
[org lain dah start banon since 0500am while guek paling last 0545am]..
kami haros cepat mengejar bas scheduled at 8am dan probebli no transport to the bus-st..
bekfes by our aisyah the cook pagi ini adalah roti dgn serunding,
beskot dgn nutella dan air teh jarang leli.. layann~
lucky we managed to sampai at the bus-st at 0700am..
biar cepat asal selamat.. jgn nanti ditinggalkan bas udoh..
tak mcm malaysia kalo lambat skek ble ditunggu2..
=0800am::bas begerak ke seville.. gudbye granada:(..
sedih tinggalkan granada the best..
=1100am::selamat sampai di seville lalu mcm biase acare masok toilet,
amek pemplet, map, tanye direction n stuff.. lalu teros check in kat hotel..
we book redes hotel.. but then cleaner tenah kemaskan our rooms
so.. letakkan sahajos beg disitu lalu terus pergi menjalani jalan2..
=12noon::antara lawatan2 kami adalah ke alcazar de sevilla - sebuah istana lama yg sgt besar yg mane imahan spender telah menjadik tukang dgr audio-tellar tuh..
so.. haros ikot imah benti setiap checkpoint dan mendgr sejarah yg eh-eh aku tatahu dan tanak tahu lah kot:D..
[sejarah spm]
start from the front of the alcazabar is patio del leon - mcm lobby kot, masok lagi..
cuarto del almirante - mcm tpt jeneral2 perang tuh,
patio de la monteria, palacio mudejar, palacio gotico, patio del crucero,
dan the spookiest [bole the spookiest?:D].. sebuah taman oren bername jardines garden dimane kami yg kemarok sunquick orange ni telah gatal tangan petik limau oren yg seriyes tak tipu byk gile begayot2 kat pokok2..
[sebenanye kitorg dah rase nak petik since kat barcelona dah..
heran jugak apsal oren2 ranom ituh terbiar sepi tak berusik..
berpenyakitkah limau2 inih? atau beracunkah?]..
lalu.. semasa salida[exit] imah gi tanye org kat info-counter tuh..
ble tak kitorg petik oren2 tuh?
dan dgn girangnye org tuh menjawab:dipersilakan..
dan kami start mengopas oren2 yg telah dipetik
lalu yaAllahhhh.. limau malaysia yg kulit kaler hijau tuh jauhhhh lebih manis..
limau oren nih amat hebbat masam ngalahkan limau nipis :-&..
tapi agak2 kalo dpt cecah garam ni mesti layan ni.. slurp.. kecor airliur..
ble tak kitorg petik oren2 tuh?
dan dgn girangnye org tuh menjawab:dipersilakan..
dan kami start mengopas oren2 yg telah dipetik
lalu yaAllahhhh.. limau malaysia yg kulit kaler hijau tuh jauhhhh lebih manis..
limau oren nih amat hebbat masam ngalahkan limau nipis :-&..
tapi agak2 kalo dpt cecah garam ni mesti layan ni.. slurp.. kecor airliur..

owwe-ketua-bebel yg ngidam paella asek sebot paella dimanamana berada..
maka akhirnye kami dptlah makan paella yg berege 10euros ituh..
duhh.. takdela sedap sgt pon.. claypot nasi ayam kat suria klcc lagi sedap je..:-" ehaha..
maka akhirnye kami dptlah makan paella yg berege 10euros ituh..
duhh.. takdela sedap sgt pon.. claypot nasi ayam kat suria klcc lagi sedap je..:-" ehaha..

=0445pm::balik hotel angkot bagasi2 ugly masok bilik dan solat dan samong jalan semule..
=0530pm::jalan2 di town seville..
terserempak dgn mng ituh lalu owwe yg gatal telah mensaitoni pemikiran kami lalu haros masok duhh #-o..
mendapat shirt cunh:">..
kamodian ke mcD.. ajk makanan malas nak masak.. lalu.. fastfood sahajos laa ek.. layann~!
=0900pm::selamat sampai bilik hotel lalu melepak2 samel makan mcd..
dan berosip2 n beborak2..
dan sbb takde air panas.. make kami masak megi pakai air paip-panas..
ahaha.. sedap layan jugak:d..
=1100pm::tido budokkk.. tido secare hebbat juge sbb bilik best..
24th december 2004:malaga:
=0700am::banon seawal inih sbb nak kene kejar pi tenok plaza de espanya dgn cepatnye sbb tiket bas ke malaga is at 1130am..
=0900am::dah siap sedia at stesen-bas tunggu bas nak ke malaga..
sesamel tuh..makan roti with serunding secare biase2
=0930am::to malaga dan sempat tertido2 dgn jayenyeh sbb penat bangattt
=0100pm::sampai malaga lalu start proses melawat2..
amek2 gamba kat la malagueta-coloseum-bull fight dimana semorg nak bergambar secare alala org yg bull-fight tuh aiyohh..
pegi teatro romano, la alcazaba, catederal de la encarnacion, la malagueta-coloseum for bull fighting, plaza de la marina..
[pic:us in front of uni of malaga]

[this is teatro romano]

=0330pm::lapar lalu ke mcd pekene roti canai:)).. makan makan budokkk..
=0430pm::sempat masok mng n zara lagi aiyohhh
=0530pm::bergegas ke stesen bas.. amek bas ke airport
=0600pm::sampai airport terminal pablo ruiz picasso,Malaga
=0650pm::check in dan bersiar2 kat dlm duty free zone ituh
=0830pm::terbang polang bersama easyjet ke luton airport, London..
=11pm[europe]=10pm[UK]::selamat sampai luton airport hoyehhh...
mood of the moment:nantoks fenat demam memcm
song of the moment:keane-somewhere onli we knew
i wanna be:hnm.. attending those my closest fren's wedding ceremony:((
Saturday, December 18, 2004
**away from the sun**
this blog'll getting silent starting tonite..
off to spain-tour 19th-24th december 2004 [secare gamble ok~!]
and those barcelona, cordova, seville, malaga, victoria.. pfuff..
we were all freshies [read:1st timers]..
seme tak pnah jejak & tak pnah tahu wats spain all about..
so.. guess it hafta be: expect the unexpected lah kot..
takot sesat jeee.. dgn ketua-darjah yg takble dipercayai: that is imahan: yg penah claim: "yu'll never lost with me in PJ"
and we get lost at that area sejurus selepas ayat ituh kuar dr mulot imah.. :))..
sampai arinih eja & me & even minyak akan quote that very quotation ahaha sori imahan:D... niway.. wish us best of luck..
semuge selamat pergi and selamat kembali.. aminnnn~
and.. this is the making of kekbatik i cook last nite to bring to spain-tour..
bahan2nye adelah:
seketol butter, telor 2bijik [tiada didlm gamba], seketol susu pekat, milo secawan [teda milo make coklat tesco okeh layan:(], sekelet kedberi 2-3 sudu ikot kemahuan nafsu, beskot meri 2 bar juwe ekot keperluan nafsu,
dan.. err.. seketol camcorder untok merakamkan aksi kek kot2 menghangos ke apepeke..
bahan2 tanpe beskot meri dimasak diatas api-an yg maha slow..
setelah bahan sebati dan likat.. kutabori beskot meri sehingge pueh ati..
ade org ske byk beskot.. ade org ske byk sekelet..
gwek ske byk beskot dan rangop2s.. make.. nahhh.. abeskan segale beskot didunia ituh..
angkat adonan lalu dipenyek2 sbb penyek pakai sudu die mcm manje sgt..
setelah penyek..make..masokkan dalam fridge selame semalaman ikot ketahanan mental..
agak tak sabar nak mkn.. make bole makan selepas 3 jam..
setelah pagi esoknye.. di bahamkanlah ia..
sekian laporan untok kali ini.. kite berjumpe lagi selepas seminggu.. taitai..
[dela [if yu read this]: sori.. gwek tersalah kasi amount telor..
kuberikan sebijik.. rupenye 2 bijik:((.. sori yeh :(]
mood of the moment:menggelabah melondri sbb nak ton london in 2 hours time..
song of the moment:grinday-bulevad of broken drim
i wanna be: sleeping!.. dah 2-3 hari yg busy
off to spain-tour 19th-24th december 2004 [secare gamble ok~!]
and those barcelona, cordova, seville, malaga, victoria.. pfuff..
we were all freshies [read:1st timers]..
seme tak pnah jejak & tak pnah tahu wats spain all about..
so.. guess it hafta be: expect the unexpected lah kot..
takot sesat jeee.. dgn ketua-darjah yg takble dipercayai: that is imahan: yg penah claim: "yu'll never lost with me in PJ"
and we get lost at that area sejurus selepas ayat ituh kuar dr mulot imah.. :))..
sampai arinih eja & me & even minyak akan quote that very quotation ahaha sori imahan:D... niway.. wish us best of luck..
semuge selamat pergi and selamat kembali.. aminnnn~
and.. this is the making of kekbatik i cook last nite to bring to spain-tour..
bahan2nye adelah:
seketol butter, telor 2bijik [tiada didlm gamba], seketol susu pekat, milo secawan [teda milo make coklat tesco okeh layan:(], sekelet kedberi 2-3 sudu ikot kemahuan nafsu, beskot meri 2 bar juwe ekot keperluan nafsu,
dan.. err.. seketol camcorder untok merakamkan aksi kek kot2 menghangos ke apepeke..

bahan2 tanpe beskot meri dimasak diatas api-an yg maha slow..

setelah bahan sebati dan likat.. kutabori beskot meri sehingge pueh ati..
ade org ske byk beskot.. ade org ske byk sekelet..
gwek ske byk beskot dan rangop2s.. make.. nahhh.. abeskan segale beskot didunia ituh..

angkat adonan lalu dipenyek2 sbb penyek pakai sudu die mcm manje sgt..

setelah penyek..make..masokkan dalam fridge selame semalaman ikot ketahanan mental..
agak tak sabar nak mkn.. make bole makan selepas 3 jam..

setelah pagi esoknye.. di bahamkanlah ia..


sekian laporan untok kali ini.. kite berjumpe lagi selepas seminggu.. taitai..
[dela [if yu read this]: sori.. gwek tersalah kasi amount telor..
kuberikan sebijik.. rupenye 2 bijik:((.. sori yeh :(]
mood of the moment:menggelabah melondri sbb nak ton london in 2 hours time..
song of the moment:grinday-bulevad of broken drim
i wanna be: sleeping!.. dah 2-3 hari yg busy
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
**30 hari mencari cinta*
buat aku tersenyum:)
ade sejenak kite akan rase rindu yaa amat kat seseorang dimane kite hampir menangis kerana merindui... pernah tak? ahh.. dont blame me.. die dtg sendiri.. tetibee je.. takble nak buat ape.. kekadang deep in my heart i kept asking.. where hell is my destination? wats my intention.. wats his intention..
and i run back thru our first encounter last 3 years.. i tried to remember how did 'me' in the first place accepted him in my heart.. how did we broke.. how did we 'kembali terjalin'.. of all the memories.. i smiled and i let things happen & i let me go with the flow.. scared enuff aahh..
and i bare in mind.. there's lotsa kind of those love-life surrounding me.. despite all the world's-jagged-ups&downs yg perlu juge kite amek beratkan.. but.. i prefer to gravitate around my own universe.. of all the while.. mcm2 terjadik.. mcm2 perlu kite amek iktibar..
ade kawan fowed gamba penikahan seseorg yg dikenali.. and she's hot.. and kawan ini pon berkate: lawa dohh.. huhukhukk... aku takot je tak kawen :-&..
[for she don have eni boipren and she's waiting for mr rite..]
kawan2: chep4h.. aku bengang gile laaa.. asal dia nak junpe lelaki tuh?? aahhh.. lepas ni aku nak carik awek bertudung.. sahsah baik..
[and i'm reminding: tak seme awek bertudung ituh baik.. dan juge tak seme awek bertudung ituh jahat.. manusia.. rambot pon dah kaler mcm2.. inikan pulak hati.. mestilaa lain2]
kawan3: she had a boipren and she oso had an-ex-bf.. now that she and boipren is samting steady atau dgn katelainnye: stable.. the boipren is ignoring her.. dan kawan ini mule merindui her ex-boipren..
chep4h.. by this time.. aku rindu 'dia' huhu :(( :(( [duhhh~]
kawan4: che p4h... ko jgn kasito 'dia' tau.. aku rase nak carik keje kat UK la.. ko rase takpeke ek..aku nak menstablekan diri dulu kat sane baru nak bawak 'dia'..
[deep in my heart.. pompan mane yg sanggop berpisah ngan cinta-hatinyeh.. not even a week.. not even a day.. not even an hour #-o]
kawan5: tahlaa chep4h.. aku tak pnah rase cennih.. memule dulu mcm aku ingatkan kami kawan je.. dia pon dah ade somebody mase tuh.. tapi.. bile tetibe die kene tuka tpt.. aku rase sgt sedih.. then, aku dah tau aku dilamon cinta.. dah sayang sangat dah.. takble nak buat ape :(.. lalu kami kapel..
tahlah che p4h.. laswik break.. skang aku tataula status aku.. dia kuat sgt jeles.. ade ade je mende nak gadoh..
[pheww.. sebijik!~ mcm aku:D]
kawan7: "lawa sialll awek dia!!~.. ^:)^.. jeles tenok kengkawan berawek cantik.. aku lipas.. :( faking loser :(.. kasi aku tips mengorat awek lawa2"
kawan8: yang disini merindu.. yang itu pon merayu.. tak tahu. tak tahu yg mana satu.. tataula chep4h.. mak aku soh pikirkan yg situ.. sbb mase aku sakit yg situ tuh siap datang spital.. tapi yg sini pon nak datang jugak.. iskkk.. [pfuf bes giler ade ramai org care]
che p4h.. boleh tak aku rase tensennn.. sbb baru dpt emel dr dia.. dia tak pepaham ke ek?? ee.. tatahula.. aku tak benci dia.. tapi mcm tensen je bile dpt emel dia.. tatahu apsal..
[hnm.. that much?itu kire mcm dah benci ek? kawan ini telah break tapi masih diganggu ex-nye]
che p4h ko tolongla pujuk2 kan 'dia' tuh.. tanyekan apsal die dump aku? ape salah aku? :(.. aku mmg dah ade plan nak antar rombongan dah tetibe dia mintak break :( sedeyh siot :((.. kalo ko tau eniting kasito aku eh.. :( aku tunggu dia :(
[and he's crying in his eyes.. ade bergenang2 tunggu mase nak menitik]..
[lalu aku berada di atas sebuah tembok.. nak telan mati emak.. nak buang mati ayah.. pfuff]
kawan11: che p4h.. kekadang aku rase mcm die tak ske aku.. bile jalan same.. die mcm nak jalan jejauh.. perluke aku tarik tangan dia?
[susahla kalo lelaki dah start memalu.. pompan lagilagilaa malu]
chep4h.. koranglah idol aku.. [huaaa.. jgn mengidolakan gwek:((]
kawan12: huhu hari ni aku tak jumpe dia langsonggggggg :((... rinduuu dahhh :((
kawan13: bosan aa.. boipren aku asek nak lepak rumah geng die tuh je.. tenok bola.. aahhh.. die tatau ke aku bosan bangattt??? tolonglaaa ajak aku kuar.. aku ni takble dibiarkan sendiri.. ahhhh...
kawan14: masok hari ni je dah 5 hari beturot2 die call aku everyday.. die ajak kapel che p4h.. tapi aku tatahu dgn perasaan aku sendiri.. duhhh
kawan15: i had my own batalion of fren.. everybody's with every single supporting heart.. im happy that way.. i don need relationship..
[and deep down in her heart i know: semorang ingin dicintai dan menyintai.. btolkan?]
kawan16: dah talarat dah aku flirting sanesini.. yg 'dia' tuh asallaaa aku tak dptdpt :(( huhu.. chep4h ko doakan aku dpt tekel die yeh :(..
[ye.. aku doakan ko akhirnye kapel jugak ngan die.. supaye akhirnye ko tinggalkan kegiatan flirting ko tuh.. aku sgt tak setuju la wahai kawan.. ko bukan tak lawa.. yu deserve someone better than yor flirt-mates]
kawan17: memule mcm kawan2.. salu huhahuha.. patu tetibe die tanye.. ko suke aku tak.. and as a matured.. mestilaa cakap suke kan? bukanla aku tak suke.. tapi aku takdeje perasaan kat die.. tapi die dah ade perasaan and mase tuh aku ade rase bersalah.. and dia dah start suke yg lebih lalu aku layan hinggelah terjadinye perkare yg tak diingini..
[lenkali.. jgn simpan peraaan sebenar!~]
kawan18: penah tak kalo kat tepon ko dgr sore die stim ko rase mcm nak je terkam dia kalo die depan mate??
[pervert siall ko!~]
kawan19: apekah salah aku selame ni? penat lelah aku tunggu dia selame ni.. dia ade pompan lain??? :((.. dimana janji dia nak tolong aku potong sayor mase memasak bile dah kawen nanti?? :((
kawan 20:
aku dah penat pesan dah.. aku dah penat ajar dah. dia tak pepaham.. :((.. mase antar aku balik arituh.. dah la dah malam sangat dah.. dia ble dok diam dalam kete bukan nak turun salam2 mak ayah aku :((.. mestila mak aku kecik ati :((.. chep4h.. kekdg aku pikir he's not seriyes in this relesensip :((..
okokok... banyak sgt dah example2 real-life i quoted..
kawan2 sekalian.. ampon kerane memberitahu dunia our ups/downs...
tak sengaje tetibe terase nak tulis:D.. sendiri makan cili die rase pedas..
korang pilihla korang dlm ketegeri 'kawan' yang mane satu..
yu'll probebli fall in eni catagories.. yu'll probebli not in eni.. yu'll prob in more than one ketegeri.. kebanyakan love-life of my own fren will definitely involve both party-as in: both gf/bf..
i prefer to get to know my fren's girl/boy..
tapi ade jugak that i don even know his name.. up tu yu to intro to me..
and as everytime when people seeking my shoulder to cry on..
i'll end up with those quotations in my head yet everybody sick of it..
[plisslaaa chep4h ngan quotes2 ko tuh] but i wanna put.. lalala:-"
To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.
To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person." It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
To My Friends Who ...........PLAYS TOO MUCH
Never say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruellest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry" not "where are you', but "I'm right here" not "how could you", but "I understand" not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."
To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together
but how good you are for each other.
To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE How to be in love:
Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, get hurt but never keep the pain.
To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know
that the one you love is unhappy with you.
To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.
To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it.
If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
and last but not least...i love yu~
mood of the moment:mari bercinta
song of the moment:dewa-aku disini untukmu [ewahwah]
i don wanna grow up!~
ade sejenak kite akan rase rindu yaa amat kat seseorang dimane kite hampir menangis kerana merindui... pernah tak? ahh.. dont blame me.. die dtg sendiri.. tetibee je.. takble nak buat ape.. kekadang deep in my heart i kept asking.. where hell is my destination? wats my intention.. wats his intention..
and i run back thru our first encounter last 3 years.. i tried to remember how did 'me' in the first place accepted him in my heart.. how did we broke.. how did we 'kembali terjalin'.. of all the memories.. i smiled and i let things happen & i let me go with the flow.. scared enuff aahh..
and i bare in mind.. there's lotsa kind of those love-life surrounding me.. despite all the world's-jagged-ups&downs yg perlu juge kite amek beratkan.. but.. i prefer to gravitate around my own universe.. of all the while.. mcm2 terjadik.. mcm2 perlu kite amek iktibar..
ade kawan fowed gamba penikahan seseorg yg dikenali.. and she's hot.. and kawan ini pon berkate: lawa dohh.. huhukhukk... aku takot je tak kawen :-&..
[for she don have eni boipren and she's waiting for mr rite..]
kawan2: chep4h.. aku bengang gile laaa.. asal dia nak junpe lelaki tuh?? aahhh.. lepas ni aku nak carik awek bertudung.. sahsah baik..
[and i'm reminding: tak seme awek bertudung ituh baik.. dan juge tak seme awek bertudung ituh jahat.. manusia.. rambot pon dah kaler mcm2.. inikan pulak hati.. mestilaa lain2]
kawan3: she had a boipren and she oso had an-ex-bf.. now that she and boipren is samting steady atau dgn katelainnye: stable.. the boipren is ignoring her.. dan kawan ini mule merindui her ex-boipren..
chep4h.. by this time.. aku rindu 'dia' huhu :(( :(( [duhhh~]
kawan4: che p4h... ko jgn kasito 'dia' tau.. aku rase nak carik keje kat UK la.. ko rase takpeke ek..aku nak menstablekan diri dulu kat sane baru nak bawak 'dia'..
[deep in my heart.. pompan mane yg sanggop berpisah ngan cinta-hatinyeh.. not even a week.. not even a day.. not even an hour #-o]
kawan5: tahlaa chep4h.. aku tak pnah rase cennih.. memule dulu mcm aku ingatkan kami kawan je.. dia pon dah ade somebody mase tuh.. tapi.. bile tetibe die kene tuka tpt.. aku rase sgt sedih.. then, aku dah tau aku dilamon cinta.. dah sayang sangat dah.. takble nak buat ape :(.. lalu kami kapel..
tahlah che p4h.. laswik break.. skang aku tataula status aku.. dia kuat sgt jeles.. ade ade je mende nak gadoh..
[pheww.. sebijik!~ mcm aku:D]
kawan7: "lawa sialll awek dia!!~.. ^:)^.. jeles tenok kengkawan berawek cantik.. aku lipas.. :( faking loser :(.. kasi aku tips mengorat awek lawa2"
kawan8: yang disini merindu.. yang itu pon merayu.. tak tahu. tak tahu yg mana satu.. tataula chep4h.. mak aku soh pikirkan yg situ.. sbb mase aku sakit yg situ tuh siap datang spital.. tapi yg sini pon nak datang jugak.. iskkk.. [pfuf bes giler ade ramai org care]
che p4h.. boleh tak aku rase tensennn.. sbb baru dpt emel dr dia.. dia tak pepaham ke ek?? ee.. tatahula.. aku tak benci dia.. tapi mcm tensen je bile dpt emel dia.. tatahu apsal..
[hnm.. that much?itu kire mcm dah benci ek? kawan ini telah break tapi masih diganggu ex-nye]
che p4h ko tolongla pujuk2 kan 'dia' tuh.. tanyekan apsal die dump aku? ape salah aku? :(.. aku mmg dah ade plan nak antar rombongan dah tetibe dia mintak break :( sedeyh siot :((.. kalo ko tau eniting kasito aku eh.. :( aku tunggu dia :(
[and he's crying in his eyes.. ade bergenang2 tunggu mase nak menitik]..
[lalu aku berada di atas sebuah tembok.. nak telan mati emak.. nak buang mati ayah.. pfuff]
kawan11: che p4h.. kekadang aku rase mcm die tak ske aku.. bile jalan same.. die mcm nak jalan jejauh.. perluke aku tarik tangan dia?
[susahla kalo lelaki dah start memalu.. pompan lagilagilaa malu]
chep4h.. koranglah idol aku.. [huaaa.. jgn mengidolakan gwek:((]
kawan12: huhu hari ni aku tak jumpe dia langsonggggggg :((... rinduuu dahhh :((
kawan13: bosan aa.. boipren aku asek nak lepak rumah geng die tuh je.. tenok bola.. aahhh.. die tatau ke aku bosan bangattt??? tolonglaaa ajak aku kuar.. aku ni takble dibiarkan sendiri.. ahhhh...
kawan14: masok hari ni je dah 5 hari beturot2 die call aku everyday.. die ajak kapel che p4h.. tapi aku tatahu dgn perasaan aku sendiri.. duhhh
kawan15: i had my own batalion of fren.. everybody's with every single supporting heart.. im happy that way.. i don need relationship..
[and deep down in her heart i know: semorang ingin dicintai dan menyintai.. btolkan?]
kawan16: dah talarat dah aku flirting sanesini.. yg 'dia' tuh asallaaa aku tak dptdpt :(( huhu.. chep4h ko doakan aku dpt tekel die yeh :(..
[ye.. aku doakan ko akhirnye kapel jugak ngan die.. supaye akhirnye ko tinggalkan kegiatan flirting ko tuh.. aku sgt tak setuju la wahai kawan.. ko bukan tak lawa.. yu deserve someone better than yor flirt-mates]
kawan17: memule mcm kawan2.. salu huhahuha.. patu tetibe die tanye.. ko suke aku tak.. and as a matured.. mestilaa cakap suke kan? bukanla aku tak suke.. tapi aku takdeje perasaan kat die.. tapi die dah ade perasaan and mase tuh aku ade rase bersalah.. and dia dah start suke yg lebih lalu aku layan hinggelah terjadinye perkare yg tak diingini..
[lenkali.. jgn simpan peraaan sebenar!~]
kawan18: penah tak kalo kat tepon ko dgr sore die stim ko rase mcm nak je terkam dia kalo die depan mate??
[pervert siall ko!~]
kawan19: apekah salah aku selame ni? penat lelah aku tunggu dia selame ni.. dia ade pompan lain??? :((.. dimana janji dia nak tolong aku potong sayor mase memasak bile dah kawen nanti?? :((
kawan 20:
aku dah penat pesan dah.. aku dah penat ajar dah. dia tak pepaham.. :((.. mase antar aku balik arituh.. dah la dah malam sangat dah.. dia ble dok diam dalam kete bukan nak turun salam2 mak ayah aku :((.. mestila mak aku kecik ati :((.. chep4h.. kekdg aku pikir he's not seriyes in this relesensip :((..
okokok... banyak sgt dah example2 real-life i quoted..
kawan2 sekalian.. ampon kerane memberitahu dunia our ups/downs...
tak sengaje tetibe terase nak tulis:D.. sendiri makan cili die rase pedas..
korang pilihla korang dlm ketegeri 'kawan' yang mane satu..
yu'll probebli fall in eni catagories.. yu'll probebli not in eni.. yu'll prob in more than one ketegeri.. kebanyakan love-life of my own fren will definitely involve both party-as in: both gf/bf..
i prefer to get to know my fren's girl/boy..
tapi ade jugak that i don even know his name.. up tu yu to intro to me..
and as everytime when people seeking my shoulder to cry on..
i'll end up with those quotations in my head yet everybody sick of it..
[plisslaaa chep4h ngan quotes2 ko tuh] but i wanna put.. lalala:-"
To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly.
The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.
To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person." It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
To My Friends Who ...........PLAYS TOO MUCH
Never say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruellest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry" not "where are you', but "I'm right here" not "how could you", but "I understand" not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."
To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together
but how good you are for each other.
To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE How to be in love:
Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, get hurt but never keep the pain.
To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know
that the one you love is unhappy with you.
To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.
To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it.
If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
and last but not least...i love yu~
mood of the moment:mari bercinta
song of the moment:dewa-aku disini untukmu [ewahwah]
i don wanna grow up!~
Monday, December 13, 2004
**welkam to the fol-out..welkam to resistance**
i tried to remember wats this bloggy-thingy created for..
i mean wats my intention at the 1st place..
owh.. i know i know.. to shout-out any unsatisfied + any misleading-issues + anything i wanna scribble + anything i wanna say + perhaps anything lahh sukeatiakulah nak tulis ape...
[and this is nutting.. sajeje nak ckp gitu lalala:-"]..
and to urge.. if anybody with the heart to meluat or feeling abhor or eniting-lah..
pegilah bace blog org lain yg lebih bes lagi berinformasi yeh..
just leave me n my poor-bored-blog alone:( lucky
thanx.. he's soooo kind.. he's my kosmet from hongkong whose name i never know!~
[kejinyeh gwekkk:-&]..
yaaa i don have close-kosmet at the moment..
so.. when xm is the headlines in my head.. gosh.. haros mencarik solutions2 for my tutorial yg tak penah sentoh and im lucky..
he's among the person i talked to niway which i rarely did..
tu pon secare tak sengaje sbb nak tanye lab-schedule...
lalu dikesempatan itu.. i called him to borrow the tutorial he made..
and he's damn pure-kind [bahase omputih aku maken bodoh sgt]..
i went to collect the solution with this intention: to fotostet je malas nak salin..
but.. but.. he already photostate for me!
and that was the last thing the bbdak-cino-kosmet-kat-UM will do tau!
[i spent tatau la bape byk asek potostet tutorial bdak cine bwk beg balik kg pegi faculty tuh]
tolong gwek telah mendapat pangilan lucah.. patu i was like hang-up..
patu off the ringer for the unstoppable-rings..
patu i read back the msgs in the mailbox and ade sekor matsaleh menyamar jadik our-court's-receptionis
and he asked me to go to the reception-office segera bekos somebody's reported about my noisy-room and hell!
thats so 1.30am for gods sake i cant sleep.. where did he found my number? f***
conversation with e'ja on poor evening [this is definitely not the starting..]
me (3:15:06 PM): :-&
eja (3:15:22 PM): [tetiba je garang ek]
me (3:16:12 PM): aah:-&
eja (3:16:14 PM): ko tau tak
eja (3:16:17 PM): tatau kan>
me (3:16:18 PM): muke takotkan makcik tiri
eja (3:16:45 PM): weekend inihhhh guek begidubusanneywwwwww
eja (3:16:48 PM): dengan minyaknyew tadek
eja (3:16:50 PM): baru guek rase
eja (3:17:04 PM): nihhhh betolll kebosanan tahap berkoyan2 banyak nyew
me (3:17:11 PM): haa ituhla..ade minyak ko pekecilkecilkan..
eja (3:17:15 PM): siyes neh @-)
me (3:17:17 PM): idopla tanpe kawan
eja (3:17:22 PM): semuge busan sokmo:-"
me (3:17:25 PM): lalela:-"
eja (3:17:33 PM): tanye oa, die kt opis
eja (3:17:36 PM): ;))
me (3:17:53 PM): huh
eja (3:17:54 PM): hmmm~~
me (3:17:59 PM): busannye ade kwn kwn wekelik
me (3:18:11 PM): asal ko tak dtg je sini:-"
eja (3:18:13 PM): :))
eja (3:18:17 PM): hmmm
eja (3:18:23 PM): niat di hatiiii mcm dah smpai dah
me (3:19:20 PM): baik ko bekwan baik ngan sue.. tapi.. susah kua ngan org2 yg tinggal ngan parents.. byk curfew
me (3:19:23 PM): (:
eja (3:19:38 PM): tuh arrr
me (3:19:51 PM): er..sape ek nak dicadangkan..yan balik tawai
eja (3:20:17 PM): :D
eja (3:21:56 PM): aku rase cem nk je bekawan ngn misha omar je trus
me (3:22:10 PM): takpela..ko dok la rumah makan kasi gemok..doakan aku pas segale mende..nak balik mesia dah tatahan dah
me (3:22:20 PM): =))misha omar
eja (3:22:26 PM): tolongkan aje laa
eja (3:22:33 PM): td nk je wase gi hartamas tuh sesorg
n the converse. continues dan tepakse diedit2 dimane perlu sebagai langkah2 keselamatan..
that converse define samtin i'll [me with my frens] do wheneva busannye ke boipren unebelebel ke.. tensi keje ke.. we were not samtin bitch or wateva they called..
but we love to hang out those place..hartamas ke mt kiara ke uptown atlis.. 6th college's-pak abu.. paling tak.. nasi lemak cikgu kat kelanajaya..
its not only the food that matters.. but the companion kot ek?
mcm kekdg pikir.. la..kite serumah je..
bukan takble hoohaalalaloo kat depan astro menggelakkan aksi terlampau 'for love/money'..
but then.. lepak2 minom2 air buah gelas besar kat luar is bit outstanding..
tenok2 gelagat org.. or perhaps sajeje busan tenok tv yg kecik kat rumah tuh.. so.. mari tenok screen beso plak..
kekdg mcm rase bes dpt jumpe samwan-known suchs:artis la ek..
tapi takde la plak jenis pegi amek otograp.. org zaman skang dah tak centuh..
[exception ade skali tuh aron 1-2am lepak minom at nasi kandar kayu-ss2 with yance...
and zahid-Af2 & frens was happen to be there..
n takde ramai org situ mase tuh.. dgn muke tak malu yance g tego this zahid
& those signaturing-autograph wahaha=))..
pdhal bukan beminat pon..
sajeje mahu kasi jeles mazni<<--yg data-blogger-escaped--for="" data-blogger-escaped-:d..="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-bob="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-he="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-kang..="" data-blogger-escaped-majok="" data-blogger-escaped-mention:="" data-blogger-escaped-minat="" data-blogger-escaped-n="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-oso="" data-blogger-escaped-otograp="" data-blogger-escaped-plak="" data-blogger-escaped-sgt="" data-blogger-escaped-sporting="" data-blogger-escaped-there="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-too..kang="" data-blogger-escaped-was="" data-blogger-escaped-zahid="">
sedihnye uk's life deadly-dead after around 5pm...
mcm semorg dah start dok rumah and no place for girl's thing..
ah-ha no kedai mamak-syed's/nasi kandar kayu/nasi kandar pelita/ABC kandar/usj-15/wateva2-24hours
for they-english hang out at bars ek..
and that is soooo me lah kan nak melepak di bar!~
oh i miss malaysian life, i miss roti canai, nasi lemak panas after wake-up without mandi first.. hehu:((
mood of the moment: i still have one more paper to go helo!~
song of the moment: gwen stefani - wat yu waiting for
i wanna be:rich and buy that darn-printer yg ade photocopier tuh
i mean wats my intention at the 1st place..
owh.. i know i know.. to shout-out any unsatisfied + any misleading-issues + anything i wanna scribble + anything i wanna say + perhaps anything lahh sukeatiakulah nak tulis ape...
[and this is nutting.. sajeje nak ckp gitu lalala:-"]..
and to urge.. if anybody with the heart to meluat or feeling abhor or eniting-lah..
pegilah bace blog org lain yg lebih bes lagi berinformasi yeh..
just leave me n my poor-bored-blog alone:( lucky
thanx.. he's soooo kind.. he's my kosmet from hongkong whose name i never know!~
[kejinyeh gwekkk:-&]..
yaaa i don have close-kosmet at the moment..
so.. when xm is the headlines in my head.. gosh.. haros mencarik solutions2 for my tutorial yg tak penah sentoh and im lucky..
he's among the person i talked to niway which i rarely did..
tu pon secare tak sengaje sbb nak tanye lab-schedule...
lalu dikesempatan itu.. i called him to borrow the tutorial he made..
and he's damn pure-kind [bahase omputih aku maken bodoh sgt]..
i went to collect the solution with this intention: to fotostet je malas nak salin..
but.. but.. he already photostate for me!
and that was the last thing the bbdak-cino-kosmet-kat-UM will do tau!
[i spent tatau la bape byk asek potostet tutorial bdak cine bwk beg balik kg pegi faculty tuh]
tolong gwek telah mendapat pangilan lucah.. patu i was like hang-up..
patu off the ringer for the unstoppable-rings..
patu i read back the msgs in the mailbox and ade sekor matsaleh menyamar jadik our-court's-receptionis
and he asked me to go to the reception-office segera bekos somebody's reported about my noisy-room and hell!
thats so 1.30am for gods sake i cant sleep.. where did he found my number? f***
conversation with e'ja on poor evening [this is definitely not the starting..]
me (3:15:06 PM): :-&
eja (3:15:22 PM): [tetiba je garang ek]
me (3:16:12 PM): aah:-&
eja (3:16:14 PM): ko tau tak
eja (3:16:17 PM): tatau kan>
me (3:16:18 PM): muke takotkan makcik tiri
eja (3:16:45 PM): weekend inihhhh guek begidubusanneywwwwww
eja (3:16:48 PM): dengan minyaknyew tadek
eja (3:16:50 PM): baru guek rase
eja (3:17:04 PM): nihhhh betolll kebosanan tahap berkoyan2 banyak nyew
me (3:17:11 PM): haa ituhla..ade minyak ko pekecilkecilkan..
eja (3:17:15 PM): siyes neh @-)
me (3:17:17 PM): idopla tanpe kawan
eja (3:17:22 PM): semuge busan sokmo:-"
me (3:17:25 PM): lalela:-"
eja (3:17:33 PM): tanye oa, die kt opis
eja (3:17:36 PM): ;))
me (3:17:53 PM): huh
eja (3:17:54 PM): hmmm~~
me (3:17:59 PM): busannye ade kwn kwn wekelik
me (3:18:11 PM): asal ko tak dtg je sini:-"
eja (3:18:13 PM): :))
eja (3:18:17 PM): hmmm
eja (3:18:23 PM): niat di hatiiii mcm dah smpai dah
me (3:19:20 PM): baik ko bekwan baik ngan sue.. tapi.. susah kua ngan org2 yg tinggal ngan parents.. byk curfew
me (3:19:23 PM): (:
eja (3:19:38 PM): tuh arrr
me (3:19:51 PM): er..sape ek nak dicadangkan..yan balik tawai
eja (3:20:17 PM): :D
eja (3:21:56 PM): aku rase cem nk je bekawan ngn misha omar je trus
me (3:22:10 PM): takpela..ko dok la rumah makan kasi gemok..doakan aku pas segale mende..nak balik mesia dah tatahan dah
me (3:22:20 PM): =))misha omar
eja (3:22:26 PM): tolongkan aje laa
eja (3:22:33 PM): td nk je wase gi hartamas tuh sesorg
n the converse. continues dan tepakse diedit2 dimane perlu sebagai langkah2 keselamatan..
that converse define samtin i'll [me with my frens] do wheneva busannye ke boipren unebelebel ke.. tensi keje ke.. we were not samtin bitch or wateva they called..
but we love to hang out those place..hartamas ke mt kiara ke uptown atlis.. 6th college's-pak abu.. paling tak.. nasi lemak cikgu kat kelanajaya..
its not only the food that matters.. but the companion kot ek?
mcm kekdg pikir.. la..kite serumah je..
bukan takble hoohaalalaloo kat depan astro menggelakkan aksi terlampau 'for love/money'..
but then.. lepak2 minom2 air buah gelas besar kat luar is bit outstanding..
tenok2 gelagat org.. or perhaps sajeje busan tenok tv yg kecik kat rumah tuh.. so.. mari tenok screen beso plak..
kekdg mcm rase bes dpt jumpe samwan-known suchs:artis la ek..
tapi takde la plak jenis pegi amek otograp.. org zaman skang dah tak centuh..
[exception ade skali tuh aron 1-2am lepak minom at nasi kandar kayu-ss2 with yance...
and zahid-Af2 & frens was happen to be there..
n takde ramai org situ mase tuh.. dgn muke tak malu yance g tego this zahid
& those signaturing-autograph wahaha=))..
pdhal bukan beminat pon..
sajeje mahu kasi jeles mazni<<--yg data-blogger-escaped--for="" data-blogger-escaped-:d..="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-bob="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-he="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-kang..="" data-blogger-escaped-majok="" data-blogger-escaped-mention:="" data-blogger-escaped-minat="" data-blogger-escaped-n="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-oso="" data-blogger-escaped-otograp="" data-blogger-escaped-plak="" data-blogger-escaped-sgt="" data-blogger-escaped-sporting="" data-blogger-escaped-there="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-too..kang="" data-blogger-escaped-was="" data-blogger-escaped-zahid="">
sedihnye uk's life deadly-dead after around 5pm...
mcm semorg dah start dok rumah and no place for girl's thing..
ah-ha no kedai mamak-syed's/nasi kandar kayu/nasi kandar pelita/ABC kandar/usj-15/wateva2-24hours
for they-english hang out at bars ek..
and that is soooo me lah kan nak melepak di bar!~
oh i miss malaysian life, i miss roti canai, nasi lemak panas after wake-up without mandi first.. hehu:((
mood of the moment: i still have one more paper to go helo!~
song of the moment: gwen stefani - wat yu waiting for
i wanna be:rich and buy that darn-printer yg ade photocopier tuh
Thursday, December 09, 2004
**i love you billie joe!~**
1.butterfingers-kabus ribut
punyela lame dah donlod.. baru dpt tenok vclip nih tadi.. satu mende nak cakapkan: asal kadak kiut sgt dlm vclip nih ha?:D seriyes comel.. aaagaga.. suke kadak;)) sejak dulu lagi.. hehe [takde maknenyeh:-"]
2.examination is suxx
im exhausted!~ truly~ i have another paper nexwik.. these few days were damn-hectic.. penat sgt rasenye otak ni.. 3 papers in a row.. bbtol menguji and im depressed with my performance [altho the results havent come out] but i can feel the err.. tanak sebot :((..
and finally my mom discovered my rawk-voice sbb after the first paper of xm i cried to my sis unknowing the present of my mom kat situ.. they both in the car.. so then mom called me back and start risau2kan my crying-condition + my sorethroat.. patu start la proses betuka2 gagang tepon antare mak n ayah and both with the nasihat: dah jan pikir sgt dah.. makan jan tinggal.. tido jan tinggal.. semayang jan tinggal.. study leklok.. huhu sori termenyusahkah plak.. ahhh... nak balik mesia hohoho:(( out my closet
yaallah gini ke ghopenyeh bilik guek?? punyela serabot otak... tak sempat je nak mengemas pfuff..
4.thanx eja muahmuah:*:*
thanx eja for these kueh raye.. esok2 bole anta lagi yeh:D..
sodap.. especially yg beskot sekelet patsegi2 tuh..
eja ckp mesti sbb die rase cen susu susu tuh psl guek suke? ye kot...
niway.. dah selamat abes pon.. nih gamba sebelom proses penerkaman:-"
5.cepatla abes huh my wishlist after the xm erm mbe:
-tuka templet blog nih.. dah busok sgt
-burn segale makneka kejadah dlm hatdisk-40gb-tinggal less~3gb[d-drive]:-o
-heho spain-tour... tolongkanlah!~
mood of the moment:fenatttnyefff
song of the moment:blink 182-always plak
i wanna be:sleep until tomorrow's tomorrow.. qada'
punyela lame dah donlod.. baru dpt tenok vclip nih tadi.. satu mende nak cakapkan: asal kadak kiut sgt dlm vclip nih ha?:D seriyes comel.. aaagaga.. suke kadak;)) sejak dulu lagi.. hehe [takde maknenyeh:-"]
2.examination is suxx
im exhausted!~ truly~ i have another paper nexwik.. these few days were damn-hectic.. penat sgt rasenye otak ni.. 3 papers in a row.. bbtol menguji and im depressed with my performance [altho the results havent come out] but i can feel the err.. tanak sebot :((..
and finally my mom discovered my rawk-voice sbb after the first paper of xm i cried to my sis unknowing the present of my mom kat situ.. they both in the car.. so then mom called me back and start risau2kan my crying-condition + my sorethroat.. patu start la proses betuka2 gagang tepon antare mak n ayah and both with the nasihat: dah jan pikir sgt dah.. makan jan tinggal.. tido jan tinggal.. semayang jan tinggal.. study leklok.. huhu sori termenyusahkah plak.. ahhh... nak balik mesia hohoho:(( out my closet
yaallah gini ke ghopenyeh bilik guek?? punyela serabot otak... tak sempat je nak mengemas pfuff..

4.thanx eja muahmuah:*:*
thanx eja for these kueh raye.. esok2 bole anta lagi yeh:D..
sodap.. especially yg beskot sekelet patsegi2 tuh..
eja ckp mesti sbb die rase cen susu susu tuh psl guek suke? ye kot...
niway.. dah selamat abes pon.. nih gamba sebelom proses penerkaman:-"

5.cepatla abes huh my wishlist after the xm erm mbe:
-tuka templet blog nih.. dah busok sgt
-burn segale makneka kejadah dlm hatdisk-40gb-tinggal less~3gb[d-drive]:-o
-heho spain-tour... tolongkanlah!~
mood of the moment:fenatttnyefff
song of the moment:blink 182-always plak
i wanna be:sleep until tomorrow's tomorrow.. qada'
Monday, December 06, 2004
**lizard's convention**
shait.. i lost my lizard's convention mp3s.. sesape ade??
plisplisplis do emel me those mp3s yeah..
goat that haunted me, pleasant song, wooden heart, kalo ble satu elebem..
plis yeh..
mood of the moment: mane pegi cd2 mp3 guek ni manyak hilang:((
song of the moment:green day - boulevard of broken dreams
i wanna be:genius!~
plisplisplis do emel me those mp3s yeah..
goat that haunted me, pleasant song, wooden heart, kalo ble satu elebem..
plis yeh..
mood of the moment: mane pegi cd2 mp3 guek ni manyak hilang:((
song of the moment:green day - boulevard of broken dreams
i wanna be:genius!~
Sunday, December 05, 2004
**if it makes yu happy..**
ottakku sodah menjadik panas sepanas pressure cooker
dan bebunyik ninoninonino meminte bantuan penapasan yang amat
seperti mane bunyi pc ku di rumah ss2-kelanajaya dulu
yg pade mase yang same gigi yance patah kerna begidu rakos swimming bersamesame wan-saiko di suming-pool cyberia..
uhuks uhuks batok...
[ok.. now yu can see how im going insane..
byk mende nak kene study byk mende tak paham byk mende nak catch up juge:((
yaAllahhhh tolongkanlah has1fah lulos.. aminnn]
mood of the moment:se'pressure cooker'
song of the moment:snow patrol-run
i wanna be:study-holic mcm imah :-"
dan bebunyik ninoninonino meminte bantuan penapasan yang amat
seperti mane bunyi pc ku di rumah ss2-kelanajaya dulu
yg pade mase yang same gigi yance patah kerna begidu rakos swimming bersamesame wan-saiko di suming-pool cyberia..
uhuks uhuks batok...
[ok.. now yu can see how im going insane..
byk mende nak kene study byk mende tak paham byk mende nak catch up juge:((
yaAllahhhh tolongkanlah has1fah lulos.. aminnn]
mood of the moment:se'pressure cooker'
song of the moment:snow patrol-run
i wanna be:study-holic mcm imah :-"
Thursday, December 02, 2004
**semuge has1fah lulos cemerlang seme paper...aminnnnn~**
my final xm is aron the corner...
wish me the best of luck ok.. amin..
[tetenah serabot nak xm plus esemen melambak..
tertekan+penin kelape sbb manyak mende baru nak paham2..
guek telah mengadengade pegi bace e-novel nih.. "relevenkah aku dihatimu"..
dah lame dulu dah nak bace.. tade mase.. time2 nak xm nih plak guek gi bace.. iskkkk..
niway.. sesape free.. dipersilakan.. memule mcm borin.. maken lame maken bes maken eh-eh nak bace lagi nak abiskan.. tatahu:-"..
this is the link: taapi maken lame maken borin balik:D..
tah.. up tuyu.. org lelaki tayah bace kot.tak suhwai..
mood of the moment: takot+demam xm
song of the moment: dashbod confessionals-remember to breathe
i wanna be:sihat lah.. bile la nak elok sakek tekak nin:(
my final xm is aron the corner...
wish me the best of luck ok.. amin..
[tetenah serabot nak xm plus esemen melambak..
tertekan+penin kelape sbb manyak mende baru nak paham2..
guek telah mengadengade pegi bace e-novel nih.. "relevenkah aku dihatimu"..
dah lame dulu dah nak bace.. tade mase.. time2 nak xm nih plak guek gi bace.. iskkkk..
niway.. sesape free.. dipersilakan.. memule mcm borin.. maken lame maken bes maken eh-eh nak bace lagi nak abiskan.. tatahu:-"..
this is the link: taapi maken lame maken borin balik:D..
tah.. up tuyu.. org lelaki tayah bace kot.tak suhwai..
mood of the moment: takot+demam xm
song of the moment: dashbod confessionals-remember to breathe
i wanna be:sihat lah.. bile la nak elok sakek tekak nin:(
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