Monday, June 14, 2004

**the gig at sunway college v/s hoobastank at hardrock**

foofooo...lame giler tak updet...
i was away the whole week lasweek...coticotimesia lalalaaa...
so..before the journey to ulu sepri..i send my cpu to my MIS department and to no avail...
lame giler dok ngan faozan(kampeni's mis person)in the MIS room..
[tho asek kene interrupt oleh phone-calls from sue n o'a yg penyebok ituh]...
started with those bukak&pasang stuff..try-try segale card2 ituh..
then..try hatdis with another pc..ewiting is okai..
so..the final answer is: motherboard/ram/processor's prob..
same mcm yg the computer-freak-at-mmu ituh cakap...
then..the cpu went to a comp shop at the back of the LRT-Bangsar ituh..
ponnn...the same solution:tukaa motherbod...
so..eventually..we went to imbi-plaza...
lalalaa..mmg motherbod/ram rusak..
haruslah mesken kan kalo nak beli motherbod baru..tolongkanlaaaaaa...:((....
[nanak laptop!!!mari kite carik sugar-daddy..:((]

so then..guek curik cpu yanz ituh..
dengan semangat berkobar2 nak berinternet..
cocok the network cable at the n/work port ituh..
barulah sedar..the adsl-modem rosak rupenyer!~ deymn~! bless me plissss:((...
sunggoh sedeyhnyeh.. malangnye naseb..
apa mungkin inikah balasan segale dose guek selame inih..huhuu sgt insafnye...
marilah kite ke mekah..:D

haroslaaa org cc ni dah kenal muke aku kan...
mesti die heran..apsal minah neh asek dtg cc ni...
[psstt...france menang semlm hahahaaa pdn muke england hahaha..gelak satan>:)]

mood of the moment:sedeyh terlampau
song of the moment:terngiang2 my immortal version rickdees ituh
i wanna!

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