Sunday, February 29, 2004


sape nak cake meh dtg sini..
ex-kosmet imah at utm ade sini die nyeh betdey kelmarin..
die letak cake ituh atas meje neh..meh makan...lapaaa~

tadi imah konfess..
die jeles tenok kitorg ade blog..
lalala..wat muke eksenn..:-"
patu ade hati nak wat gaks..
[ai think if she did did those blog..sure a month a blog only..
paling keji pon a blog a week..itu pon mesti susah die nak tulih..:p
imahkan ker werkehelik..lalalla...]
patukan..die ckp..die maleh nak create html..maleh nak create skin die..
die nak copy paste..jejage..jejage..
:D...pecahkan rahsie imah disini..kewl!~
okaii...itu sahaje nak ckp..mari mandii~

mood of the moment:err..lapaa
song of the moment:evanescence-heylow!
i wanna be:rokstaa..rokstaa---undergron where i don have to face the crowd..aderkahh??

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