am officiALLy moving on
thanx for the time. thanx for the joys and memories.
thanx and sorry for everything.
::muSic iS mY |ifE.. mY |iFe iS muSic:: [[an old blog]]
MOVE to my new blog, click me
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
** ada band - manusia bodoh **
Mencoba bertahan sekuat hati
Layaknya karang yang
Dihempas sang ombak
Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka
Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir
Tak ayal tingkah lakumu
Buatku putus asa
Kadang akal sehat ini
Belum cukup membendungnya
Hanya kepedihan
Yang s'lalu datang menertawakanku
Engkau belahan jiwa
Tega menari indah di atas tangisanku
Tapi sampai kapankah ku harus
Menanggungnya kutukan cinta ini
Semua kisah pasti ada akhir
Yang harus dilalui
Begitu juga akhir kisah ini yakinku indah
mood of the moment: still dying.
song of the moment: ada band - manusia bodoh
i wanna be: a rawkstar
Layaknya karang yang
Dihempas sang ombak
Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka
Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir
Tak ayal tingkah lakumu
Buatku putus asa
Kadang akal sehat ini
Belum cukup membendungnya
Hanya kepedihan
Yang s'lalu datang menertawakanku
Engkau belahan jiwa
Tega menari indah di atas tangisanku
Tapi sampai kapankah ku harus
Menanggungnya kutukan cinta ini
Semua kisah pasti ada akhir
Yang harus dilalui
Begitu juga akhir kisah ini yakinku indah
mood of the moment: still dying.
song of the moment: ada band - manusia bodoh
i wanna be: a rawkstar
Thursday, February 09, 2006
** owh take me back to the start **
::padi - kasih tak sampai::
Indah .. terasa indah
Bila kita terbuai dalam alunan cinta
Sedapat mungkin terciptakan rasa
Keinginan saling memiliki
Namun bila itu semua
Dapat terwujud dalam satu ikatan cinta
Tak semudah seperti yang pernah terbayang
Menyatukan perasaan kita ...
Tetaplah menjadi bintang di langittttt!~
Agar cinta kita akan abadi
Biarlah sinarmu tetap menyinari alam ini
Agar menjadi saksi cinta kita
berdua ... berdua ...
Sudah .. terlambat sudah
Kini semua harus berakhir
Mungkin inilah jalan yang terbaik
Dan kita mesti relakan kenyataan .. ini
Menjadi saksi kita berdua ...
mood of the moment: selseme+nakdemam+adui nak berak :D
song of the moment: padi - kasih tak sampai
i wanna fly away from here.
Indah .. terasa indah
Bila kita terbuai dalam alunan cinta
Sedapat mungkin terciptakan rasa
Keinginan saling memiliki
Namun bila itu semua
Dapat terwujud dalam satu ikatan cinta
Tak semudah seperti yang pernah terbayang
Menyatukan perasaan kita ...
Tetaplah menjadi bintang di langittttt!~
Agar cinta kita akan abadi
Biarlah sinarmu tetap menyinari alam ini
Agar menjadi saksi cinta kita
berdua ... berdua ...
Sudah .. terlambat sudah
Kini semua harus berakhir
Mungkin inilah jalan yang terbaik
Dan kita mesti relakan kenyataan .. ini
Menjadi saksi kita berdua ...
mood of the moment: selseme+nakdemam+adui nak berak :D
song of the moment: padi - kasih tak sampai
i wanna fly away from here.
Monday, January 30, 2006
** my best friend's wedding **

congratulations to both mr&mrs azlan..
semuge kekal ke akhir hayat. amin ya rabbal alamin.
p/s: e'jaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. cpt cpt buat anak dan dpt anak comel.. tak sabarrrrrrrrrrr nak buli anak dikauk :D
28th january 2006
hepi 24th betdey yance.
mood of the moment: demam.
song of the moment: fall out boys - dance, dance
owh take me back to the start..
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
** sugar were goin down! **
said im crazy but im not.. i missed UK so much.
and i cant confessed more.. people will hate to read.
urghhh.. i have nothing more to write. i might be removing soon.. dunno when.. sooner.
and till then.. i had this in my mind rite until the end of the day, everyday, just before i close my eyes..
I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as he turned around to leave
and still I have the pain I have to carry
a past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried
after all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but I couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that I loved you more than you'll ever know
a part of me died when I let you go
I would fall asleep
only in hopes of dreaming
that everything would be like is was before
but nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
they disappear as reality is crashing to the floor
mood of the moment:empty
song of the moment: lifehouse - blind
i wanna be: a supermodel.
and i cant confessed more.. people will hate to read.
urghhh.. i have nothing more to write. i might be removing soon.. dunno when.. sooner.
and till then.. i had this in my mind rite until the end of the day, everyday, just before i close my eyes..
I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as he turned around to leave
and still I have the pain I have to carry
a past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried
after all this time
I never thought we'd be here
never thought we'd be here
when my love for you was blind
but I couldn't make you see it
couldn't make you see it
that I loved you more than you'll ever know
a part of me died when I let you go
I would fall asleep
only in hopes of dreaming
that everything would be like is was before
but nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
they disappear as reality is crashing to the floor
mood of the moment:empty
song of the moment: lifehouse - blind
i wanna be: a supermodel.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
** let there be love **
its not that im bz with worklife or anythose that kept me silence..
im bz watching days passed me by i guess.
last years memories were unfaded. i cant imagine how many things happened so fast, sometimes unrecognised, most of them were unintendedly done, and some of them.. were sickening me.
but i accept the fact that, not everything we want we will get.. not everybody's perfect.
i mean. i do get what i want lah. the italy trip, the paris trip.. those picnics with greatest buddies, a year in england with 4 seasons of loneliness, its a whole bunch of excitement i can never forget, made me less realize another huge thing going on on the other side of the world.
those memories, kept safe in my heart.
thanx people, the one that made me laugh and the one that made me cry.
31st december 2005.
my pre-birthday launch dinner was with yanz at madamlim's followed by a jamming session at subang-15. and blablabla.. i slept at 5am until late noon and then comes my formal-celebration @ chillis, oneutama.
thousand thanx to those berjaya datang.
many thanx to o'a yg sanggop fetch me at srid4mansara and his zul- yg ok la bole la masok ngan kitorg nih ek.. gile gile.
thanx to peachy yg awal2 dah sampai hehe.. pis pis..
thanx haa&hasben.. yor hasben rawk la dude. [mcmlaa haa bace blog nih]
thanx sue pon besusahpayah all the way from gsk nun..
zurah tuh takpayah la tunggu kitorg kat chillis kat bangsar nun kan, gila ka? patu bedesup, 10mins dia dah tecegat kat chillis kitorg.. power tak?
shake yg lambat tapi takpa, asalkan dah muncul cukop cunh dah..
and not to forget, those smsesessesss and phoney-calls :d
the wishes. thanx..
takot lak nak senaraikan takot tetinggai tapi try ek..
imah, e'ja, o'a, sue, shake, nana, kakeda, mazni, leli, lond, elle, hsbc(thefnkc?), khaizura, and most importantly: my family.
and ym's msgs. thanz thanx.
and frenster testis from those sile bace fenster.
coming 2006,
i hope i'll be a btter friend. to my friends.
i hope i'll be fair to evrybody.
i hope i can do more saving, no more credits nor defisit.
i hope to settle my petronas.
i want to sell my kelisa, anybody interested?
[i felt that the car bring me suwei, takdak ong lar]
and i want to buy a kancil-manual. [for saving purpose]
i actually had started thinking of buying a house. for me. like if [i said if hahhh], if lessay i didnt get married kan, atlis i have my own house kot. to linger. to decorate mcm gila sampai rumah tuh jadik mcm rumah org gile. bes nye rumah sendiri cat sanesini sesketi. besnye.
and i hope to become a matured-lady [tanak dah pangai budak2 gadoh sane gadoh sini]
and i dun want anymore crisis. whateva it means.
and i will start looking for a violin-class. [tingin sangat]
and i want to join futsal. boleh? boleh kot, mcm ade byk mase aje skang nih.
and as usual, nak kuruskan badan [which is for like dah bertahun2 dah azam nih].
and i hope by atlis august 2006, i have enuff money to backpacking around malaysia, or atlis gi sipadan. i soooo want to go there lah.
owho- i cant stop daydreaming dah nih.
till then, enjoy my betdey pictures here. boohooo ooo woooo woooo...

mood of the moment: sick and tired
song of the moment: no-way-sis - let there be love
i want to do that!that thing you do.
its not that im bz with worklife or anythose that kept me silence..
im bz watching days passed me by i guess.
last years memories were unfaded. i cant imagine how many things happened so fast, sometimes unrecognised, most of them were unintendedly done, and some of them.. were sickening me.
but i accept the fact that, not everything we want we will get.. not everybody's perfect.
i mean. i do get what i want lah. the italy trip, the paris trip.. those picnics with greatest buddies, a year in england with 4 seasons of loneliness, its a whole bunch of excitement i can never forget, made me less realize another huge thing going on on the other side of the world.
those memories, kept safe in my heart.
thanx people, the one that made me laugh and the one that made me cry.
31st december 2005.
my pre-birthday launch dinner was with yanz at madamlim's followed by a jamming session at subang-15. and blablabla.. i slept at 5am until late noon and then comes my formal-celebration @ chillis, oneutama.
thousand thanx to those berjaya datang.
many thanx to o'a yg sanggop fetch me at srid4mansara and his zul- yg ok la bole la masok ngan kitorg nih ek.. gile gile.
thanx to peachy yg awal2 dah sampai hehe.. pis pis..
thanx haa&hasben.. yor hasben rawk la dude. [mcmlaa haa bace blog nih]
thanx sue pon besusahpayah all the way from gsk nun..
zurah tuh takpayah la tunggu kitorg kat chillis kat bangsar nun kan, gila ka? patu bedesup, 10mins dia dah tecegat kat chillis kitorg.. power tak?
shake yg lambat tapi takpa, asalkan dah muncul cukop cunh dah..
and not to forget, those smsesessesss and phoney-calls :d
the wishes. thanx..
takot lak nak senaraikan takot tetinggai tapi try ek..
imah, e'ja, o'a, sue, shake, nana, kakeda, mazni, leli, lond, elle, hsbc(thefnkc?), khaizura, and most importantly: my family.
and ym's msgs. thanz thanx.
and frenster testis from those sile bace fenster.
coming 2006,
i hope i'll be a btter friend. to my friends.
i hope i'll be fair to evrybody.
i hope i can do more saving, no more credits nor defisit.
i hope to settle my petronas.
i want to sell my kelisa, anybody interested?
[i felt that the car bring me suwei, takdak ong lar]
and i want to buy a kancil-manual. [for saving purpose]
i actually had started thinking of buying a house. for me. like if [i said if hahhh], if lessay i didnt get married kan, atlis i have my own house kot. to linger. to decorate mcm gila sampai rumah tuh jadik mcm rumah org gile. bes nye rumah sendiri cat sanesini sesketi. besnye.
and i hope to become a matured-lady [tanak dah pangai budak2 gadoh sane gadoh sini]
and i dun want anymore crisis. whateva it means.
and i will start looking for a violin-class. [tingin sangat]
and i want to join futsal. boleh? boleh kot, mcm ade byk mase aje skang nih.
and as usual, nak kuruskan badan [which is for like dah bertahun2 dah azam nih].
and i hope by atlis august 2006, i have enuff money to backpacking around malaysia, or atlis gi sipadan. i soooo want to go there lah.
owho- i cant stop daydreaming dah nih.
till then, enjoy my betdey pictures here. boohooo ooo woooo woooo...

mood of the moment: sick and tired
song of the moment: no-way-sis - let there be love
i want to do that!that thing you do.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
** rindu **
kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yg memanggil rinduku padamu
seperti udara yg kuhela kau selalu ada
yg memanggil rinduku padamu
seperti udara yg kuhela kau selalu ada
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
** dealova **

what i notice is, i cannot like dewa's song if being heard for like once.
i have to play atlis twice, and thats when i will rewind it like foreva.
their song stuck in my head even after i wake up in the next morning.
terngiang2. especially the lyrics. power syial!
this is once's song [dewa's singer], dunno who's the composer, but you see:
"aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg mungkin bisa kau rindu
karena langkah merapuh tanpa dirimu
oh karena hati tlah letih "
woho it stucks without failed.
imagine if these poisson's equation im currently memorizing can stuck in my head like that, stim giler~
mood of the moment:curious
song of the moment: once - dealova
i wanna be:mcm mase 1st & 2nd year of uni. innocent & naive.
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